That is the way of things…

Well, it has been a long break and I once again apologise for it. But I have to say that this has in no way been for the lack of activity, far from it, too much has been going on and I haven’t really found the time to sit down and document this. But now, after a quick update I can finally address the things I have been doing below in later posts. Expect a few in quick succession sooner than later.

So, here is the big news: I’ve moved recently. It’s been almost a month now, but I’m now based in Sydney which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The obvious advantage is that there is a lot more gaming going on here if you know where to look and who to ask. I’ve been to Sydcon, which was last weekend, and I have played D&D Encounters as well as joined may what be a long-term group for some 4e play. But it means that I’ve left my old group,  more or less for good. We still talk via the web but it’s not the same thing.

Another change is that with the exception of conventions, I’m currently not running a real-time game or even planning for one. And having a break in this way is not so bad, as I can plan for other things.

So, first up there will be a post about the last game session my group had, the final Tomb of Horrors encounters and playing at epic level. Then there will be a write up about Sydcon and another one about my game there, An ARD Days Night, which I play-tested before I left Tassie. And then I’m going to look at D&D Encounters, which I’ve played a few sessions of and am due to end the chapter this Wednesday.

So, the Level 1 GM is back, never went away, and is looking forward to experiencing and commenting on the world of roleplaying gaming. Just in a different location now.

~ by katanageldar on October 9, 2011.

One Response to “That is the way of things…”

  1. Good luck in Sydney and glad to have you back.

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