Did I Just Gain Some Xp?

All right, I lied. I did fully intend to save my next post after I got back from Sydney, but after the events of this week I felt I had to say a little something.

Firstly, the game is going on without me which has made me feel a little nervous as it hasn’t been me that’s running it. Call me a control freak, but that’s what it’s been like. But the reports from the table have been largely positive, though I have spent quite an amount of time answering texts from the resident GM about small little issues. Sound familiar? I was in the exact same position months ago when I was starting, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through if I did not have those several people I could ask very simple questions to. Now I am that source of information for someone else, and it feels a little strange

I’ve also heard a few things about the story which have given me a few ideas. The temptation is too strong not to give the temp GM a run for her money. I know what goes on behind the screen as I was there first, and it will also be good for the players for when I get back behind there.

My time up here has not been wasted gaming-wise, even if I have been spent the better part of my time walking up and down the same street ot find the gaming stores. Rich Burlew is richer by a little more because of me, and I could not resist splashing out on some pretty new dice and a nice miniature for when I start playing D&D.

Also, I have been planning the next campaign, the first one that’s going to have a common thread from start to finish. But I’ll get onto that later. I’ve finished this little update and I have to get writing, well…sort of. More after Sunday.

~ by katanageldar on July 10, 2009.

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